Got plans for September? I have an idea - TAKE MY SEPTEMBER SHAKEOLOGY CHALLENGE! :)
Beachbody has a special offer right now that you don't want to miss. (Keep reading below for more info about Shakeology, but check out these cool bonuses first!) First of all, if you order Shakeology on Home Direct (meaning it ships automatically to you once a month), Beachbody will give you FREE shipping! You have the freedom to cancel whenever you wish...but once you taste it, I don't think you will!
ALSO, you can also get 2 *BONUS* Shakeology DVD workouts - a $30 value that you get absolutely free with your order of Shakeology!
So...for just $120, you will have your workout and one meal for everyday of the month paid for!
Now, I said $120 and you may have just been intimidated by the price. I understand. I'm not gonna lie - That was my initial reaction too. However, once I actually thought about it I realized that I would actually save money with Shakeology.
Here’s how...
The retail price for Shakeology is roughly $120 for a one month supply (30 servings at one serving per day). Shakeology is a meal replacement shake based on whole foods that can help you lose weight, feel energized, improve digestion and regularity, lower your cholesterol and detoxify your body. I have personally experienced these effects and have many people tell me that they have too. (Not to mention - it actually tastes REALLY good!) I look forward to my Shakeology every day because I know that I feel better and that I am healthier for it. You can choose between Greenberry and Chocolate flavors. (I've attached the nutrition information below for Greenberry...but the Chocolate nutritional values are very close to the ones below!)
To hear more success stories, check out I don't doubt after reading this that you will want to try it...but you may still be asking, "Where does the 'save money' part come in?"
There are two BIG ways to save money with Shakeology so that YOU can finally get yours. One way to save is to do your purchasing using the huge coach discounts and the other way to save is the value of Shakeology as a meal replacement. I'm going to break both ways down for you so you can see how valuable these savings are in terms of saving you a good chunk of money.
Shakeology is a MEAL REPLACEMENT. You are going to spend money on your meals anyway. There is no way around that. Spend your money replacing just one meal per day with Shakeology, which typically is going to be more nutritious, have fewer calories, and honestly, more filling, than most "fast" foods. Shakeology is about $4 dollars per meal retail. When you consider that the typical fast food meal is around $6, the average Starbucks drink around $5, it seems that Shakeology is actually an inexpensive meal -- while you are getting far more nutrients that your body needs in far less calories. It is a WIN - WIN - WIN situation.
Not to shipping and 2 FREE DVD workouts!
Create a FREE account on my Beachbody Products page at so that you can purchase Shakeology for yourself at retail price today and save using Shakeology as a meal replacement. (Plus, I have been experimenting for about 4 months now...I have many ideas for recipes and savings so make sure you take advantage of my free service to help YOU get the most out of your health and your purchases.)
P.S. This deal won't last forever, so be sure to act now! Message me on Facebook or email me at if you want more information.
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