Wednesday, August 25, 2010

*NEW* Wondering Wednesday

As much as I love to write, I also love to read. So NEW BLOG FEATURE starting this week....Each Wednesday, I will be posting a question on my blog. I would love for you to log in and leave your comment, answering the question in the blog post.

And you never know...I may randomly give out prizes to a random participant. So if you have an answer, you might as well post it. :)

So here it goes:

I was wondering...

When you were a kid, do you remember a comment (or have you heard your parents talk about a comment) you made when were younger that you can't believe you said?


Michelle Myers said...

Exposing my desire to always find the good in others...not to mention my pride and selfishness... When we were studying WWII for the first time in elementary school, of course, we learned about Hitler. Well, at that point in my life, "dumb" to me just meant "stupid." I had no idea that could also mean that a person was mute. So when my textbook said that one of the people groups Hitler wanted to eliminate were the "dumb," I had no idea that was referring to being mentally handicapped. So I raised my hand and asked, "So, he wasn't completely wrong, right? I mean, getting rid of stupid people seems kind of smart to me." Yikes.

Unknown said...

Does it count if I wasn't the one who said it? Regardless, you'll find this funny...
Apparently, my brother believed that people only had sex to have babies and that was God's only intention for it. We were at Chick-Fil-A as a family and I don't know how we started talking about it, but that subject came up. He stated his belief and I gasped! I asked him if mom & dad have only had sex twice; once to have me and the other for him? He had the most disgusted look on his face! He actually believed that...and my parents thought it was hilarious. He still gets embarrassed by it. :)

The Girl in 3A said...

Hey Michelle! I just saw this post and thought I'd comment...when I was little, my parents took me to a restaurant and when my plate arrived, it had broccoli on it. Apparently I got extremely upset and when the waiter asked me what was wrong I said, "I don't eat trees!!"